

作者:亚星221net 日期:2020-05-15 点击:7967

戴一凡  教授  理学博士  博士生导师


科学研究方向  异种移植







1989 -1991    复旦大学遗传所                                                        讲师

1991 -1995    美国 Salk 研究所, La Jolla, California                        博士后

1995 -1998    美国Gene Therapy Unit, Baxter Healthcare Corp.   研究员

1998-2004     美国Revivicor Inc  资深研究员                                  分子生物学实验室主任

2004-2008     美国匹兹堡大学医学院外科系 Starzl                          器官移植研究所 副教授

2009-2012     美国匹兹堡大学医学院                                              兼职副教授

2009-至今      南京医科大学                                                            特聘教授


2010  紫金人才

2011  江苏省“双创人才”

2011  江苏省五一劳动荣誉奖章

2018  天元学者



中国抗衰老促进会再生医学专业委员会 副主任

中华医学会器官移植学分会 委员



1. 2011校协同创新,心血管病大动物模型子课题、2013-2015、260万元、已结题、主持

2. 中央支持地方专项经费,异种移植科研平台建设、2013-2015、1600万元、已结题、主持

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81570402、利用CRISPR/Cas9技术构建ApoE-/-小型猪动脉粥样硬化模型、2016.1-2019.12、132万元、已结题、主持

4. 国家重点研发计划“生物医用材料研发与组织器官修复替代”专项,基因修饰的巴马小型猪和近交系五指山小型猪作为异种器官供体,2017YFC1103700,1370万,2017.7-2020.12,未结题、主持

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81874144、利用CRISPR/Cas9技术构建TSC1+ /-巴马小型猪作为肿瘤等疾病大动物模型、2019.1-2022.12、90万元、未结题、主持


1. Wen ZH, Su YC, Lai PL, Zhang Y, Xu YF, Zhao A, Yao GY, Jia CH, Lin J, Xu S, Wang L, Wang XK, Liu AL, Jiang Y, Dai YF*, Bai XC*, Critical role of arachidonic acid-activated mTOR signaling in breast carcinogenesis and angiogenesis. Oncogene.  2013 Jan 10;32(2):160-70.  

2. Chen TY, Zhang ZM, Zheng XC, Wang L, Huang MJ, Qin S, Chen J, Lai PL, Yang CL, Liu J, Dai YF, Jin DD, Bai XC*,Endogenous n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) mitigate ovariectomy-induced bone loss by attenuating bone marrow adipogenesis in FAT1 transgenic mice. Drug Des Devel Ther. 2013 Jun 28;7:545-52.  

3. Zhang Y, Xu S, Lin J, Yao G, Han Z, Liang B, Zou Z, Chen Z, Song Q, Dai Y, Gao T, Liu A, Bai X*. mTORC1 is a target of nordihydroguaiaretic acid to prevent breast tumor growth in vitro and in vivo. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012 Nov;136(2):379-88. doi: 10.1007/s10549-012-2270-7. Epub 2012 Sep 29.

4.  Hu X, Zhang F, Leak RK, Zhang W, Iwai M, Stetler RA, Dai Y, Zhao A, Gao Y, Chen J*. Transgenic overproduction of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids provides neuroprotection and enhances endogenous neurogenesis after stroke. Curr Mol Med. 2013 Nov;13(9):1465-73.

5. Hara H*, Witt W, Crossley T, Long C, Isse K, Fan L, Phelps CJ, Ayares D, Copper DK, Dai Y*, Starzl TE. Human dominant-negative class II transactivator transgenic pigs - effect on the human anti-pig T cell immune response and immune status.  Immunology. 2013, 140, 39-46.

6. Huang MJ, Wang L, Jin DD, Zhang ZM, Chen TY, Jia CH, Wang Y, Zhen XC, Huang B, Yan B, Chen YH, Li SF, Yang JC, Dai YF, Bai XC*, Enhancement of the synthesis of n-3 PUFAs in fat-1 transgenic mice inhibits mTORC1 signalling and delays surgically induced osteoarthritis in comparison with wild-type mice. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Sep;73(9):1719-27.

7. Chen Z, Zhang Y, Jia C, Wang Y, Lai P, Zhou X, Wang Y, Song Q, Lin J, Gao T, Zhao A, Dai Y*, Bai X*. mTORC1/2 targeted by n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the prevention of mammary tumorigenesis and tumor progression. Oncogene, 2014 Sep 11;33(37):4548-57.  

8. Ming Yu, Qianqian Gao, Yan Wang, Wei Zhang, Lin Li, Ying Wang*, Yifan Dai*,Unbalanced omega-6/omega-3 ratio in the red meat products in China,The Journal of Biomedical Research, 2013, 27(5):366-371.

9. Zheng H, Tang H, Liu M, He M, Lai P, Dong H, Lin J, Jia C, Zhong M, Dai Y, Bai X, Wang L*. Inhibition of endometrial cancer by n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in preclinical models. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2014 Aug;7(8):824-34.  

10. Li J, Li FR, Wei D, Jia W, Kang JX, Stefanovic-Racic M, Dai Y*, Zhao AZ*. Endogenous ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid production confers resistance to obesity, dyslipidemia, and diabetes in mice. Mol Endocrinol. 2014 Aug;28(8):1316-28.

11. Gao Z, Wang Y, Ren Z, Li Q, Wang Y*, Dai Y*,Genome-wide screen for serum microRNA expression profile in mfat-1 transgenic mice. Tumour Biol. 2014 Oct;35(10):9717-23.

12. Cheng J, Wang Y, Zhang Z, Jin Y, Li Q, Want R, Wang Y, Li X, Xiong Q, Zhang M, Li R*, Dai Y*., Dominant-negative inhibition of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide impairs function of β cells in transgenic pigs. J Biomed Res. 2015 Nov;29(6):512-4.  

13. Chen F, Wang Y, Yuan Y, Zhang W, Ren Z, Jin Y, Liu X, Xiong Q, Chen Q, Zhang M, Li X, Zhao L, Li Z, Wu Z, Zhang Y, Hu F, Huang J, Li R*, Dai Y*.,Generation of B cell-deficient pigs by highly efficient CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene targeting. J Genet Genomics. 2015 Aug 20;42(8):437-44.

14. Sheng T, Zhang X, Wang S, Zhang J, Lu W*, Dai Y*.,Endothelin-1-induced mini-stroke in the dorsal hippocampus or lateral amygdala results in deficits in learning and memory., J Biomed Res. 2015 Sep;29(5):362-9.  

15. Iwase H, Ekser B, Satyananda V, Zhou H, Hara H, Bajona P, Wijkstrom M, Bhama JK, Long C, Veroux M, Wang Y, Dai Y, Phelps C, Ayares D, Ezzelarab MB, Cooper DK*., Initial in vivo experience of pig artery patch transplantation in baboons using mutant MHC (CIITA-DN) pigs. Transpl Immunol. 2015 Mar;32(2):99-108.

16. Zhang Y, Yuan Y, Sheng M, Zhang W, Wang Y, Zhang X*, Yifan Dai*, Generation of monoclonal antibodies against n-3 fatty acid desaturase., J Biomed Res. 2015 May 28, 29(6), 515-7.

17. Hou DR,  Jin Y, Nie XW, Zhang ML, Ta N, Zhao LH, Yang N, Chen Y, Wu ZQ, Jiang HB, Li YR, Sun QY, Dai YF, Li RF*, Derivation of Porcine Embryonic Stem-Like Cells from In Vitro-Produced Blastocyst-Stage Embryos. Sci Rep. 2016 May 13;6:25838. doi: 10.1038/srep25838.

18. Zhou M, Hara H, Dai Y, Mou L, Cooper DK, Wu C, Cai Z*., Circulating Organ-Specific MicroRNAs Serve as Biomarkers in Organ-Specific Diseases: Implications for Organ Allo- and Xeno-Transplantation. Int J Mol Sci. 2016 Aug 1;17(8).

19. Dong X, Hara H, Wang Y, Wang L, Zhang Y, Cooper DK, Dai Y*, Pan Z*, Initial study of α1,3-galactosyltransferase gene-knockout/CD46 pig full-thickness corneal xenografts in rhesus monkeys. Xenotransplantation. 2017 Jan 5. 24 (1), e12282.  

20. Liu L, Gao H, Hong C, He C, Pan D, Dai Y, Hara H, Cooper DK, Li Z, Cai Z, Mou L*., Klotho attenuated antibody-mediated porcine endothelial cell activation and injury. Xenotransplantation. 2017 Jan 28. doi: 10.1111/xen.12286. [Epub ahead of print]

21. Gao H, Zhao C, Xiang X, Li Y, Zhao Y, Li Z, Pan D, Dai Y, Hara H, Cooper DK, Cai Z, Mou L*., Production of α1,3-galactosyltransferase and cytidine monophosphate-N-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylase gene double-deficient pigs by CRISPR/Cas9 and handmade cloning. J Reprod Dev. 2017 Feb 16;63(1):17-26.

22. Zijian Ren, Ying Wang, Yuanyuan Ren, Zhengwei Zhang, Weiwang Gu, Zhaoting Wu, Lingyi Chen, Lisha Mou, Rongfeng Li, Haiyuan Yang*, Yifan Dai*, Enhancement of porcine intramuscular fat content by overexpression of the cytosolic form of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in skeletal muscle. Sci Rep. 2017; 7: 43746.

23. Zhifeng Zeng, Haiyuan Yang, Ying Wang, Jiafa Ren, Yifan Dai*, Chunsun Dai*, Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Attenuate Fibroblast Activation and Kidney Fibrosis Involving MTORC2 Signaling Suppression. Sci Rep. 2017; 7: 46146.  

24. Bi X, Li F, Liu S, Jin Y, Zhang X, Yang T, Dai Y, Li X*, Zhao AZ*, ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids ameliorate type 1 diabetes and autoimmunity., J Clin Invest. 2017 May 1;127(5):1757-1771.  

25. Chen P, Gao H, Lu Y, Nie H, Liu Z, Zhao Y, Fan N, Zou Q, Dai Y, Tang A, Hara H, Cai Z, Cooper DKC, Lai L, Mou L*., Altered expression of eNOS, prostacyclin synthase, prostaglandin G/H synthase, and thromboxane synthase in porcine aortic endothelial cells after exposure to human serum-relevance to xenotransplantation. Cell Biol Int. 2017 Apr 29. doi: 10.1002/cbin.10782. [Epub ahead of print]

26. Zhang W, Wang G, Wang Y, Jin Y, Zhao L, Xiong Q, Zhang L, Mou L, Li R, Yang H*, Dai Y*., Generation of complement protein C3 deficient pigs by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene targeting. Sci Rep. 2017 Jul 10;7(1):5009. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-05400-2.

27. Ze Li , Hai-Yuan Yang , Ying Wang, Man-Ling Zhang , Xiao-Rui Liu , Qiang Xiong , Li-Ning Zhang , Yong Jin , Li-Sha Mou , Yan Liu , Rong-Feng Li*, Yi Rao*, Yi-Fan Dai*. Generation of tryptophan hydroxylase 2 gene knockout pigs by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene targeting. J Biomed Res, 2017 Sep 26;31(5):445-452.

28. Xiaowei Nie, Qiang Liu, Ronggen Wang, Wenjie Sheng, Xiaokang Li, Manling Zhang, Yong Jin, Lihua Zhao, Daorong Hou, Ning Yang, Zhaoqiang Wu, Yifan Dai*, Rongfeng Li*, DNA demethylation pattern of in-vitro fertilized and cloned porcine pronuclear stage embryos. Clin Chim Acta. 2017 Jul 27;473:45-50. doi: 10.1016/j.cca.2017.07.025. [Epub ahead of print].  

29. Wang X, Zhang Q, Cai Z, Dai Y, Mou L*, Identification of novel diagnostic biomarkers for thyroid carcinoma. Oncotarget. 2017 Dec 4;8(67):111551-111566. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.22873.  

30. Zhang J, Xie C, Lu Y, Zhou M, Qu Z, Yao D, Qiu C, Xu J, Pan D, Dai Y, Hara H, Cooper DKC, Ma S, Li M, Cai Z, Mou L*, Potential Antigens Involved in Delayed Xenograft Rejection in a Ggta1/Cmah Dko Pig-to-Monkey Model. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 30;7(1):10024.  

31. Yu J, Yang H, Fang B, Zhang Z, Wang Y*, Dai Y*, mfat-1 transgene protects cultured adult neural stem cells against cobalt chloride-mediated hypoxic injury by activating Nrf2/ARE pathways., J Neurosci Res.  2018 Jan;96(1):87-102.

32. Zhang M, Wang C, Jiang H, Liu M, Yang N, Zhao L, Hou D, Jin Y, Chen Q, Chen Y, Wang J, Dai Y*, Li R*. Derivation of novel naive-like porcine embryonic stem cells by a reprogramming factor-assisted strategy. FASEB J, 2019, 33(8):9350–9361.

33. Wang J, Liu M, Zhao L, Li Y, Zhang M, Jin Y, Xiong Q, Liu X, Zhang L, Jiang H, Chen Q, Wang C, You Z, Yang H, Cao C, Dai Y, Li R*. Disabling of nephrogenesis in porcine embryos via CRISPR/Cas9-mediated SIX1 and SIX4 gene targeting. Xenotransplantation, 2019, 26(3):e12484

34. Chen Q, Fang B, Wang Y, Li C, Li X, Wang R, Xiong Q, Zhang L, Jin Y, Zhang M, Liu X, Li L, Mou L, Li R, Yang H*, Dai Y*. Overexpressing dominant-negative FGFR2-IIIb impedes lung branching morphogenesis in pigs. J Genet Genomics, 2018, 45(3):147–154.

35. Zhang R, Wang Y, Chen L, Wang R, Li C, Li X, Fang B, Ren X, Ruan M, Liu J, Xiong Q, Zhang L, Jin Y, Zhang M, Liu X, Li L, Chen Q, Pan D, Li R, Cooper DKC, Yang H*, Dai Y*. Reducing immunoreactivity of porcine bioprosthetic heart valves by genetically-deleting three major glycan antigens, GGTA1/β4GalNT2/CMAH. Acta Biomater, 2018, 72:196–205.

36. Fang B, Ren X, Wang Y, Li Z, Zhao L, Zhang M, Li C, Zhang Z, Chen L, Li X, Liu J, Xiong Q, Zhang L, Jin Y, Liu X, Li L, Wei H, Yang H*, Li R*, Dai Y*. Apolipoprotein E deficiency accelerates atherosclerosis development in miniature pigs. Dis Model Mech, 2018, 11(10).

37. Yao J, Zeng H, Zhang M, Wei Q, Wang Y, Yang H, Lu Y, Li R, Xiong Q, Zhang L, Chen Z, Xing G, Cao X*, Dai Y*. OSBPL2-disrupted pigs recapitulate dual features of human hearing loss and hypercholesterolaemia. J Genet Genomics, 2019, 46(8):379–387.

38. Cooper DK*, Hara H, Ezzelarab M, Bottino R, Trucco M, Phelps C, Ayares D, Dai Y. The potential of genetically-engineered pigs in providing an alternative source of organs and cells for transplantation. J Biomed Res. 2013 Jul;27(4):249-53. doi: 10.7555/JBR.27.20130063. Epub 2013 Jun 12.

39. Mou L, Chen F, Dai Y, Cai Z, Cooper DK*., Potential alternative approaches to xenotransplantation. Int J Surg. 2015 Nov;23(Pt B):322-6.  

40. Feng W, Dai Y, Mou L, Cooper DK, Shi D, Cai Z*., The potential of the combination of CRISPR/Cas9 and pluripotent stem cells to provide human organs from chimaeric pigs., Int J Mol Sci. 2015 Mar 23;16(3):6545-56.  

41. Liu Z, Hu W, He T, Dai Y, Hara H, Bottino R, Cooper DK, Cai Z, Mou L*, Pig-to-Primate Islet Xenotransplantation: Past, Present, and Future. Cell Transplant. 2017 Feb 3. doi: 10.3727/096368917X694859. [Epub ahead of print]  

42. Zhao C, Cooper DKC, Dai Y, Hara H, Cai Z, Mou L*, The Sda and Cad glycan antigens and their glycosyltransferase, β1,4GalNAcT-II, in xenotransplantation. Xenotransplantation. 2018 Feb 11. doi: 10.1111/xen.12386. [Epub ahead of print]


ApoE-CRISPR/Cas9 载体及其在敲除ApoE基因中的应用




ApoE-CRISPR/Cas9 载体组合及其在敲除中的应用




CRISPR/Cas9 载体组合在制备基因敲除猪的血液制品中国的作用












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